.手動打孔 30 張紙
.共可釘裝 500 頁紙 (用 50mm 膠圈).鋁及鋼鐵結構,堅固耐用.21 抽刀鍵,可自由調較釘孔數量,方便釘裝小冊子.前置式廢紙箱,方便傾倒紙屑.共有 5 個不同紙邊厚度調節,配合需要.附有量度釘裝厚度及頁數指示,有助選擇合適的釘裝膠圈.抽刀鍵:方便轉用 A5 / B5 / Letter 等紙張Size: W402 x D404 x H214 mmWeight: 14 kg‧30 sheet punch capacity, 500 sheet binding capacity
with a maximum comb size of 51mm‧All metal engine and body designed for traditional punch
and bind operation‧21 Individual and selectable punching pins‧Fully adjustable edge guide (side margin)‧5 position back margin & document measure1-year on-site warranty1年免費上門保用