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Pantone GP-5101B CMYK Coated & Uncoated
CMYK ─ 光面銅版紙 & 膠版紙
新的PLUS系統CMYK指南[PLUS SERIES CMYK Guide]包含2,868種色彩,各種色彩皆按色譜順序排列,使色彩過渡更為流暢,選色更為直觀。這些指南是參考、交流和控制字體、標識、邊界、背景及其他圖像處理的色彩效果的理想工具。與目前的數位工作流程兼容。提供網屏色調百分比,以實現準確色彩複製。使用通過ISO認證的環保油墨印製。使用文本定量紙張,符合常見的印刷規格。包含色彩指標、光照評估工具和設計軟件。兩冊套裝—光面銅版紙和膠版紙。
Pantone 是唯一一個國際公認的色彩交流系統。盡管您的製作跨越半個地球,也可以放心指定 PANTONE色彩。
Pantone ®CMYK Coated & UncoatedPantone accuracy and convenience for four-color printing!
The new PLUS SERIES CMYK guides contain 2,868 CMYK colors, chromatically arranged for smoother transitions between colors and more intuitive selection. These guides are an ideal way to visualize, communicate and control colors for type, logos, borders, backgrounds and other graphics treatments. Compatible with today’s digital workflows. Screen tint percentages are provided to enable accurate color reproduction. Printed using bio-friendly, ISO-certified inks. Text weight paper is used, to match popular print specifications. Includes color index, lighting evaluation tool and design software. Set of two guides, coated and uncoated.
Pantone is the only internationally recognized color communication system. You can specify PANTONE Colors with confidence even if your manufacturing is half a world away